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OptiYou Rx Summit

Spend a weekend with the OptiYou Rx Team and others who have decided to become the CEO's of their health. This interactive and educational summit will give you the information you need for your optimal wellness journey. Plus, enjoy OptiYou approved meals and snacks throughout the weekend. 


Expert speaker Billy Wease, has over 20 years of clinical experience helping patients improve their health. He specializes in diabetes, fat loss, high blood pressure, and more.




OptiYou Rx Weekend Summit Course Materials

Why Quality Food Matters

Body is a machine that has to be fueled with efficient fuel. 


To create success and positive results, you have to plan ahead. 

Dietary Supplementations

Support deficiencies of many essential vitamins and minerals.

Science-based exercise

Exercise can provide an immense boost for your metabolism and energy levels. 

Alkaline Water

Water is the most essential nutrient, involved in every function of cells in our body. 

Health Conditions

Lookout for oxidation, inflammation, sugar and stress. 

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